Zadie Ma and the dog who chased the moon

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zadie ma and the dog who chased the moon by gabrielle wang

Zadie Ma and the dog who chased the moon

by Gabrielle Wang
Published by Penguin Random House
ISBN 978161046513

A delightful story to read by 2022 - 23 Children's Laureate, Gabrielle Wang, inspired by the loss of her much loved first dog as a young child.

Zadie Ma, is a girl who writes magical stories that sometimes come true. She's really hoping that she will find Jupiter, the dog of her dreams.

The story unfolds when Instead of doing what she is supposed to do, minding the family shop, one morning she goes out to look for Jupiter.

What actually happens isn’t quite the same as in her dream story but she does find a real dog, and his name is Jupiter.

Once Zadie has rescued him, she realises she can’t just take Jupiter home because her mother won’t let her keep a dog. But why doesn't her mother like dogs? She wants to get to the bottom of this question after she finding a photo of her mama with a dog. Luckily her  new friend Sparrow lets Zadie keep Jupiter at her house till Zadie can work things out. 

This is a beautifully written, heart warming story set in post war Melbourne that includes the importance of friendships, garnering courage, love and the magic of having one's own dog.

Suitable for ages 12 - teens, it's one of those wonderful books you won't want to put down. It really is a pleasure to read and to look at the illustrations.

Gabrielle Wang is an author and illustrator, and the Australian Children's Laureate for 2022 to 2023. Born in Melbourne of Chinese heritage, her maternal great-grandfather came to Victoria during the Gold Rush and her father was from Shanghai. Her stories are a blend of Chinese and Western culture with a touch of fantasy.



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