Real Magic

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real magic book, a poster for ash magic shows a young man giving a peace sign

Real Magic

by Ash Hodgkinson
Published by Penguin
ISBN 9781761043925

This sparkling, printed glittery covered book cover is aptly designed for what’s inside. At first I recognised the name from hearing Ash Magic interviewed on radio the other other day and remembering how enthusiastically he spoke, I was keen to open the book.

It did not disappoint. For someone so young, only 19 years of age, he exudes positivity and confidence. It wasn’t always so and. In the book he shares how he found growing up at times at bit awkward,. He didn’t like the idea of playing rugby and it was compulsory at his school,. Ash basically didn’t fit in. He wasn’t good at the things his older siblings and other kids he knew were good at and he has ADHD. He knew as he describes, he was different.

Rather than worry about being different he found his niche, He chose to live a life where the glass his half full. He found his passion early in life and shares it on TikTok (currently he has 7.5 million followers) and Instagram and now shares the secrets to his happiness and success with young readers.

The book is part graphic novel, it includes personal photos, the insights into Ash's story and the philosophy behind his success and includes pages for writing letters to yourself, making notes and other exercises. It's fun, it's uplifting and a good book for teens and young adults, even older adults to read, especially in these times of lockdowns and limits which can get children and adults downhearted. Change the outlook, get a copy of this inspiring book.

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