by Favel Parrett
Illustrated by Louise Hogan
Published by Lothian Children's Books (Hachette Australia)
ISBN 9780734422057
The true story of a dingo called Kimmi which begins in rather tense and sad circumstances as the tall animal, a.k.a. a farmer wants to get rid of the dingo pack, especially the females as they have threatened and killed his sheep.
Set in Northern NSW, Kimmi sleeps safely and protected by her family, her mama, aunties and her three brothers. It is not long before this balance changes.
Kimmi's mother is one determined dingo. She runs as quick as she can over the mountain and on the dusty red earth so she can spend one last day with her cub. It turns out to be an important day as she shares her knowledge that will one day make Kimmi the queen of the dingoes
Bound in a hardcover, with black and white line drawings at the beginning of each chapter it blends courage, emotion, resilience into a story for children aged 8 years of age to around 11 or 12.
Dingoes usually don't have a good image, but this thoughtfully written story of survival and rescue in a sanctuary that adds a different and heartwarming perspective that is most enjoyable reading.