by Isolde Martin and Robin Ridgeway
Illustrated by Louise Hogan
Published by Ford Street Publishing
ISBN 9781922696359
An interesting view for 9 - 12 year olds of how country towns were developed beginning from the 1820s onwards. It isn't about a particular town as you will read in the story, the authors couldn't decide which town to write about, so instead it is clever crafted as a generic town that would fit in anywhere in country Australia.
The story shows the beginnings of a town as it changed from being a First Nations camping area near a river crossing through all stages to present day. How the progress its made through the different stages to present day and how the town grows and expands until the original setting is completely unrecognisable.
It is thoughtfully written to provide the reader with plenty information in the development of a country town, with a cross section of happy and sad times in most eras. It is a good way for readers to learn about the early settlement and to form their own opinions on this topic.
We enjoyed reading this book, it would make a good gift,