by Remi Lai
Published Allen and Unwin
ISBN 9781761065477
From the author of best selling graphic novels Pawcasso, Star the Elephant Rainbow the Koala the latest is a contemporary fantasy graphic novel.
What a page turner! This is a good thrilling story about a boy ghost who is stuck between the worlds of the living and the dead with the friendship of a living girl, Julie Cheng.
Julie's dad doesn't believe in ghosts and he makes pretty good dumplings, even if they are wonky shapes for Julie's school lunch. Her friends think the dumplings look weird but she assures them they are not and they taste good.
While Ghost Book is a story about ghosts it's not a scary book, but it may have some children on the edge of their seat, in a good way.
It is fun to read with gripping moments as the school friends discuss what's going on and whether they actually believe in ghosts!The illustrations are not just perfectly suited to the story, they enhance it.
The facial expressions of Julie's school friends when they actually see a ghost is just how you would expect someone to look even with a protective amulet that one of the kids wears.
William, one of Julie's school friends who has had a few lucky breaks from the time of his birth is now stuck. He is in Redhill Hospital with concussion, but he is caught between the living world and the dead. William is aware and wonders why he can't return to his body but as they say, he's not dead yet, he is a wondering soul. Hungry ghosts are one of the exciting adventures that keeps the main characters on their toes - they don't want to be lunch.
A thrilling contemporary 316 page fantasy graphic novel that's sure to keep middle readers enthralled.
Remy Lai writes and draws for kids. She was born in Indonesia, brought up in Singapore and lives in Brisbane.