by Taryn Brumfit
Illustrated by Levi George
Published by Puffin Bools (Penguin Books Australia)
ISBN 9781761343988
A rather cute picture book begins with a gorgeous dog Chico and his many friends in the area.
Usually Chico is home all day while his owners are out at work and school and he is quite lonely locked up in the backyard even though he can see and hear his friends.
One day, much to his delight and surprise he discovers the gate is open. Ideal for socialising with his friends.
Chico and his friends recognise that although they are all different they all have abilities the other don't. For example that Gary the greyhound can run super fast on the beach while Chico just cannot keep up with Gary and starts to pant early on in their run.
Banjo the Border Collie who is really good at rounding up the sheep on the farm, Penelope the poodle who wins the first prize at the dog show, while Ginger the golden retriever loves splashing about in the water.Chico asks if he can join Digby the Dalmatian on his hike but he soon finds that Digby is so strong!
While this is a very sweet picture book with gorgeous illustrations designed to get the message across to young readers, that we all have different strengths, preferences and likes. People and animals all come in various shapes and sizes. However, one common trait that is good to see, that all Chico's lovely friends are very active. An important message that while it is good that we have different attributes and abilities it is important to get out and about and enjoy life and to be active.
The author
Taryn Brumfitt, 2023 Australian of the Year, is an award-winning filmmaker, bestselling author and internationally sought-after keynote speaker. she is a fiercely passionate advocate for social change and her message has reached more than 200 million people around the world. Taryn is the founder of the Body Image Movement, director of the inspiring documentaries Embrace and Embrace Kids, and author of four books. Embrace Your Body, also a hard cover picture book was also reviewed here..
This is an independent review, I am not paid by the book publishers,
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