Basketball Legends - Ben Simmons

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a book called the perfectionist 's guide to losing control

Basketball Legends - Ben Simmons

By Kit Cross

Illustrated by Leigh Hedstrom

Published by Albert Street Books (Allen & Unwin)

ISBN 978-1761181276

If your 6 - 10 year old is into basketball and knows Melbourne born legend Ben Simmons I would say they are going to love reading this new revealing book.

Written in an appealing way for this age group, in short sharp bursts of information in eye catching illustrations, it is quite fascinating to see how Ben Simmons has reached his legendary status. It shows readers that success does not happen overnight, even if you are naturally talented.


What it does show that even with his natural talent he has had to work hard, learn skills, make sacrifices and importantly learned from his dad that he had to be a team player with an easy to understand explanation of why it is necessary.

Having a dad who is also a sporting legend didn't automatically make Ben one, even though his talent for basketball was recognised early on. THe people that mattered including his school gave great encouragement and he went on to the AIS (Australian Institute of Sport), but in order to make the most of his basketball talents had to move to America. 

You will find out how and what age he started playing, his rookie games and accolades and if readers aren't exactly sure how tall he is, he is seriously tall, there is a good comparison graphic with people and animals you can relate to.

A good in-depth and quick read for sports loving kids.

The author

Kit Cross is a children's writer based in Melbourne and is the author of the Legends series. When not thinking about all things sports, Kit collects antique typewriters and is an accomplished chess player.

The illustrator

Leigh Hedstrom is a freelance illustrator who lives on the Sunshine Coast with her husband and son. She grew up in South Africa, drawing every day and dreaming that one day she might become an animator. In the early 2000s, hand-drawn animation studios all around the world closed their doors, so she had to find the next best thing, which turned out to be the actual best thing - illustration

This is an independent review, I am not paid by the publishers, so If you Liked this review - Buy me a coffee 



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