By Jacqueline Harvey
Published by Puffin (Penguin Random House Australia)
ISBN 9781761343568
If you have read, or rather your child has read any other Willa and Woof stories, there are quite a few, they will love this latest adventure.
The antics and fun that Willa, Woof and her family are nothing short of fun, hilarity and lessons in dealing with different situations that children in this age group may encounter. Ordinary, everyday things in the life of Willa and Woof, such as when Frank who is a handy man and their good friend was working at one of their neighbours and got his arm stuck while trying to reach the pipe of their washing machine.
Willa and her loyal and trusty dog Woof go to visit a friend down the road and that's when she discovers Frank in this strange situation. Helpful and resourceful, Willa helps to stop the house from flooding, as does her dad - he's the world's best plumber.
Tao and Willa have been best friends since birth and they are in the same class at school and their teacher, Mr Keating is busy telling the students that they are going on a special treat for two days and nights to the new camp that is opening for schools. Meanwhile, poor Willa is busting to go the loo and wishes Mr Keating would hurry up. The descriptions are so life like, no doubt younger readers can relate to Willa's predicament,.
The camp excursion is a special treat because they don't normally take this age group, but the school has negotiated a special deal as this will be a test run for the older classes. Willa is excited at the prospect until Tao says he is not going! And she wants to know why.
Frank says they need to be prepared for camping out, just like he was in the Scouts many years ago. This sets off a raft of possibilities, all good fun that ages 6 - 9 years are sure to enjoy reading and especially what happens at camp.
There are several good take aways in this story, learning about friendships, behaviour towards one another in their own age group and with older people, problem solving, co-operation, not worrying about things someone else has said about you (that aren't true) and having fun.
It is no wonder that Jacqueline Harvey's books are so popular, she is a wonderfully imaginative, talented children's author.
Willa and Woof Camp Chaos is a page turner, I heartily recommended you get this book for your 6 - 9 year old or your school library. You can use the links below.
The author
Jacqueline Harvey worked in schools for many years but has had a passion for storytelling since she was a child. She is the author of the popular
Alice-Miranda, Clementine Rose,
Kensy and Max and Willa and Woof series, which have sold almost two million copies in Australia alone. In 2022, she released a picture book, That Cat, illustrated by one of her former students, Kate Isobel Scott. Jacqueline's books have received numerous shortlistings and awards . Jacqueline speaks to thousands of young people at schools and festivals around the world, and says the characters in her books are often made up of the best bits of children she's met over the years.
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