by Michael Grose
Published by Random House Australia
ISBN 9781740511988
This the updated and revised version of the book by the same name originally published in 2003.
If you are unsure if birth order makes a difference in a person's demeanour you will most likely want to read this updated information.
It is interesting that children in a family can share the same gene pool, in a similar socio-economic environment and yet have different personalities, interests and even different careers as adults? I know this to be true, my two siblings and I have completely different personalities and outlooks. According to Michael Grose it all has do with the order in which we are born. And the implications for parents, teachers and adults involved with these children are many.
In this updated edition, the author seeks to explain to the reader in a two child family, the second born child is also simultaneously the last born. It also explains more deeply the positions within the family and gives the reader a clearer picture of their own personality traits, ambitions and how you fit in within your own siblings and those you interact with such as your partner, colleagues, and friends and, indeed your children.
Drawing on his experience as a leading parenting and educational writer, speaker and father of three, Michael Grose explains how multiple births, children with a disability, genetic engineering, blended families, gender balance, only children affect birth order and how it works in the workplace. However, he often eludes to the exceptions when birth order is not exactly as it seems. It seems there are always exceptions to the rule!
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