Where is Cheeky Monster?

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a book called first mate lenny by elayna carausu and sandra eide

Where is Cheeky Monster?

by  Mike Lucas

Illustrated by Heidi McKinnon

Published by Penguin Random House Australia
ISBN 9781761341984

Such a delightful book for younger children, using a fun, happy method of story telling to demonstrate good, thoughtful behaviour.

It is clever, uses all the tricks to encourage good behaviour while tempting children to turn the page for the next micro story, while searching for the cheeky monster who seems to be missing from the story.

The cheeky monster isn't missing, but readers have to keep turning the pages to try and find it and find it they will, eventually and probably burst out laughing. The author has used a cute and clever idea to write this delightful book to make little ones think about their behaviour in an amusing story. The illustrations not only compliment the words they bring it to life . We love it!

The author

Mike Lucas is the author of several picture books including CBCA Notable Book Olivia's Voice. He has also written and published several books of humorous children's poetry, has had work highly commended in magazines and contributed to poetry anthologies. Mike is one of the main organisers of the Adelaide Festival of Children's Books and an Honorary Member of the CBCA (SA). He presents writing and poetry workshops at schools, owns a bookshop in Blackwood, South Australia, and works as a full-time engineer.

The illustrator

Heidi McKinnon is an award-winning children's book author and illustrator who lives in Melbourne, Australia. With a background in art and design, Heidi creates books that are colourful, fun and filled with humour. Her books have been published around the world and have received numerous nominations.

This is an independent review, I am not paid by the book publishers,

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