by Jacqueline Wilson, Mark Beech
Published by Hodder's Children's Books (Hachette Australia)
Set in the original long loved favourite world created by Enid Blyton, this magical adventure story is sheer delight to read that is bound to keep readers who love unicorns and other magical moments hooked.
The three children, Milo, Mia and Birdy are bursting with excitement as they return to the cottage next to the Enchanted Wood.
They are eagerly wondering where will their adventures take them to this time, Could it be to the wonderful Land of Presents, or perhaps it could be to the Land of Snow?
But what about the unicorns out there on the waves of the ocean? Mia adores unicorns and when she spots them swimming in the ocean, well despite best efforts to stop her from swimming out towards them, she has to go and reach her dream.
If you have a child who loves unicorns and their gorgeous colours, they are going to love this part of this cleverly and beautifully written story. Even if they are not into unicorns there's plenty more fun to read as they meet up once again with their magical friends, Silky the Fairy and Moonface.
Characters such as Dame Washalot and Dame Ironallday are nearby in their cottage as is the kind Mr Watzisname. The combination of the people from the Enchated Forest, Milo, Mia and Bridy and a Christmas adventure told in story form and verse we can see kids in the 10 year + age group willl simply love this.
It a present winner from the talented author Jacqueline Wilson.