Beyond the Sky, The passions of Millicent Bryant, Aviator

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Beyond the Sky, The Passions of Millicent Bryant, Aviator

by James Vicars
Published by Melbourne Books
ISBN 9781925556520

When I had heard the author, James Vicars interviewed on ABC Radio Sydney last year I thought this sounds like an interesting book. At the time I commented on how interesting this pioneering woman sounded. Picking up the book and reading a few lines randomly as I do to see if a book fits my readability qualities, I immediately decided this was going to be an ideal book to read over the Christmas holidays.

The story of this incredible lady has a sad, rather emotional beginning and soon unfolds into a fascinating story of her life, growing up in country NSW with loving, ambitious and successful parents. Her father is a successful grazier and I found it fascinating reading snippets of his life and his interaction with Millicent, his eldest child who shares some of his interests.


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Life on their farms, her father Edmund Harvey, acquired several properties, in the late 1800s and early 1900s, schooling with governesses because schools were too far away, helping her mother with their ever growing family, tragedies, triumphs and the part time move to the village of Manly with her mother, to help her brother George convalesce all make fascinating reading.

The inclusion of family photos help bring the book to life. The description of the village of Manly is in stark contrast to the place we know today I wondered what she'd make of it if she could see it now. Following on is the story of her eventual move to Sydney, married and had a family of her own.

Millicent is one of life's get up and go doers. She is always willing to lend a hand, diving into the task and making a difference. She fixes her own cars, drives great distances and in the early days of flying after he encounters as a passenger and loving the idea of being in the air, she became an aviator. On taking her pilots licence she caused quite a stir as it was unheard of that a woman could do such a thing. These stories are beautifully told by the author.

I could have spent all day reading this book, James Vicars truly is a gifted story teller with an excellent command of the English language. I wish he wrote more books, I would rush to buy his next one if he has plans for another.

This is independent review, I am not paid by the publishers, so.If you Liked this review, Buy me a coffee

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