Recognition & Awards for outstanding teachers

Recognition vs Merit Pay
For Our Best Teachers


Why recognition is more beneficial than merit pay

Dr Hans A Andrews is a former secondary school teacher and counselor and held instructional administrative roles in community colleges.

Now retired, Hans was college president at Olney Central College in Illinois and is now the Distinguished Fellow for Community College Leadership for Olney Central College. Hans has a passion for ensuring that outstanding teachers receive the recognition that richly deserve and has authored seven books and many articles on the topic.

Dr Hans Andrews is also the contributing editor of the section on Awards & Recognition in schooldaysmagazine.

In Hans Andrews'book he explains why recognition programs are more meaningful and accepted by excellent teachers versus merit pay.

Hans shows, that research has found merit pay plans to fail and be withdrawn almost universally over the past 25-30 years. His research also found only 50 percent of the K-12 schools and less than 50 percent of the community colleges in the US have instituted any type of recognition for their best teachers.

Recognition vs. Merit Pay provides numerous examples of how recognition is meeting the intrinsic needs of teachers around the US and the rest of the world.

Every exceptional teacher should receive a special ‘thank you’ from their boards and administrators. Teachers, administrators and governing boards need to work together to make this happen. Board members and parents will find this book provides a major pathway to improving teacher morale and student outcomes.

"The debate he (author Hans Andrews) puts forward is perennially valid and highly relevant in the current Australian education landscape. A school’s employees, in this case its teachers, need to feel appreciated and important to the school” -
Stephen Thomson, MACE, Principal Executive Officer Yatya-binbi lnstitute

for Community Devetopment (YBll.) - Reviewed in Professional Educator, Australian College of Educators (ACE).

"I commend Andrews' Recognition vs. Merit Pay to anyone interested in improving teaching and learning. His findings are always the same: teacher recognition programs provide more bang for the buck than merit pay!"

- Dr. Gary Davis, former Director of the Illinois Community Colleges Trustees Association, USA

Copies of Recognition vs Merit Pay For Our Best Teachers are available from schooldaysmagazine

About the Author

Dr. Hans A. Andrews is the Distinguished Fellow for Community College Leadership at Olney Central College in Southeastern Illinois and was President of Olney Central College and presently lives in Ottawa, Illinois, U.S.A.

A former secondary school teacher and Director of Counseling and Guidance, Hans Andrews has published six books on Awards and Recognition and Teacher Evaluation. He is an international known consultant in the areas of faculty evaluation, teacher awards and recognition and dual-credit programs

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