by Deidre Brandner
Illustrated by Jennifer Whelan
Published by Wilkinson Publishing
ISBN 9781922810021
Bear is worried and this thought just won't go away, he says it is a sticky thought. You see Bear likes eating blueberries and he wonders ... do bears who eat blueberries go bananas?
He can't seem to get this though out of his mind.
As with the previous book about a bear, Bear Learns How To Be A Rainbow using a similar example the story addresses the issues for younger children who may have concerns that won't go away.
Using the thoughtful, yet whimsical illustrations and a wise kookaburra who tells Bear to throw the sticky thought back, after seeing Bear hiding behind a tree, Bear takes kookaburra's advice and shakes the thought away. He soon realises that bears who eat blueberries don't go bananas.
Author and child psychologist, Deirdre Brander uses evidence based techniques in Bear’s Toolkit to help young readers with finding ways to calm their worries and to manage fear and overthinking in a charming and softly told story.
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