Creative Writer's Sourcebook

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a book called the perfectionist 's guide to losing control

Creative Writer's Sourcebook

50 Great Authors & 175 Writing Exercises

By John Gillard

Published by Exisle Publishing

ISBN 9781921966279

Teens / YA and Adults

If you are an aspiring author, a new author or a little further on into your story writing career, this compendium of information from world renowned successful authors will most likely be a great source of help. This new resource for authors who write for either or  both children or adults seems to have all the key hints and tips.

Diving Into this sourcebook, which features internationally successful authors it is interesting reading each authors  background information, their why and the books that made them become best sellers. Not only is it interesting, but it is also insightful;


Included are their winning styles, why it was or is so successful which if I was keen to be a writer, I would be referring to ongoing, not for  once-off reading. Even as an avid reader it is fascinating reading these insights. I describe it as finding out what their secret sauce or source, is and how it could be helpful.

There is a goldmine of information from revered authors across the ages and genres, such as CS Lewis, AA Milne, Jane Austen, Franz Kafka, Stephen King,  John Steinbeck, George Orwell, JK Rowling, Roald Dahl, Herman Melville, Margaret Attwood, JRR Tolkien, John Le Carre, James Joyce, Maya Angelou, Jack Kerouac and more. It is designed has to be  helpful with 175 writing exercises to help you with prompts that could help you improve language, plots and structure.

We found it is easy to rea and like that it is presented in a durable hard cover. Just as well because as mentioned earlier it would be used quite often, it is not a sit on your bookshelf kind of resource.

The Author

John Gillard is a writer and illustrator and has written widely on the subject of creative writing and has helped many people ignite and enhance their writing skills. Some of his titles include Flash Fiction: The Very Short Story Starter, Just Write One Thing Today, and Fiction Writer's Notebook.

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