by Richard Harris
Illustrated by Simon Howe
Published by Penguin Random House Australia
ISBN 9781761341328
Well done, it is so good to see a good heart-warming story about a kind, thoughtful furry friend, Alfie the Staffordshire bull terrier and his family.
The story with Alfie and his escapades with his family, Fiona, Harry, James, Charlie and Millie, is fun and of course highlights Alfie and the kindness he shows not only his family but others too.
Kind Alfie loves being close to his family whether its at home helping to wake up James the oldest child so he gets to school on time or comforting little Millie when her favourite bear she washed hasn't; dried when it's bedtime.
He may not be the bravest of dogs, he doesn't like the magpies and the noise of the vacuum cleaner makes scares him. As for barking at the brown snake in the garden, well that was a close shave but his family love him just he way he is.
The gorgeous story together with terrific illustrations that show Alfie the Kind's facial expressos just as we'd love to see them. Whether that's hoping for a roast potato from the dining table or out playing in the park.
It is an adorable picture book to read with little ones up the age of 5 showing the importance of being kind and the difference it makes.
The author
Australian of the Year Dr Richard 'Harry' Harris. Harry was a member of the international cave-diving group that rescued the Wild Boar soccer team in Thailand.
This is an independent review, I am not paid by the book publishers,
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